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Building a better world for older people

From Manchester to Mbeya, Aberdeen to Addis Ababa, older people around the world face challenging circumstances – from conflict to climate change, loneliness to poverty. 

It’s vital there are MPs in the next parliament dedicated to standing up for older people.

Will you ask your election candidates to champion the rights of older people locally, nationally, and internationally if elected?

On the next page, we've generated an email template for you to send.

Keep in touch with Age UK

We'd like to keep in touch with you to tell you about the vital work we do for older people, our fundraising appeals and opportunities to support us. We will never sell your data and we promise to keep your details safe and secure.

If you don't want to hear from us, or change your mind about how we contact you, email [email protected] or call 0800 032 0699.

Age International is part of the Age UK network which includes the charity, its trading companies and national partners (Cymru, Scotland and NI). We also work closely with local Age UKs. For further details on how your data is used and stored by the Age UK network go to https://www.ageinternational.org.uk/help/privacy-policy/.