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"Immediate humanitarian assistance is a matter of life and death in many cases. The plight of older individuals in Gaza is a distressing and overlooked aspect of this humanitarian crisis. They are among the most vulnerable and require urgent attention… – Mohammed, staff member of Juzoor, our partner organisation in Gaza

Ask your MP to call on the Prime Minister to press for an immediate ceasefire between Israel and Gaza

The situation is a humanitarian catastrophe. The suffering, death and destruction must stop.   

A ceasefire is needed so more life-saving emergency support can reach those in need.  

Write to your MP to ask them to call on the Prime Minister to press for the release of civilian hostages and an immediate ceasefire.

We’ve written an email for you, but you can add your own message below to let your MP know why this is important to you. You can edit the email on the next page.

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Age International is part of the Age UK network which includes the charity, its trading companies and national partners (Cymru, Scotland and NI). We also work closely with local Age UKs. For further details on how your data is used and stored by the Age UK network go to https://www.ageinternational.org.uk/help/privacy-policy/.